Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is the medical term for the pattern of abnormal development associated with alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Alcohol is a substance that causes developmental abnormalities in the fetus.
ActionPoint website - Alcohol & Pregnancy FANNZ Updates FASD Links
What is FANNZ? "Everyone is part of the solution"
Fetal Alcohol Network New Zealand (FANNZ) is a group of people and agencies with a shared interest and expertise in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) prevention and intervention. FANNZ is linked through an email information network, face-to-face meetings, and educational activities.
If you would like to be part of this network and receive up-to-date information or would like to know more about FASD contact: Catherine Anderson at Alcohol Healthwatch Phone. 021 023 00221 or Email. catherine@ahw.org.nz
9 Sept 2021: Factsheet - Prenatal alcohol exposure and lifelong impact of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
2024 - The Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Diagnostic Guidelines for Aotearoa New Zealand 2024
2022 - A guide for health promoters Steps to make a positive difference in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
2021 - Report of the Disability Rights Commissioner and Children’s Commissioner to the Prime Minister Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: A Call to Action
2019 - 18 Apr 2019 - FASD Action Plan Hui: “What’s in the forecast?” Feedback (on-line June 2019)
2016 - Alcohol & Other Drugs Update - FASDay Special Edition September 2016
2016 - Productivity losses associated with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in New Zealand. By economist Dr Brian Easton et al.
2016 - FASD Action Plan for NZ: On Tues 16 August the Associate Minister of Health Peter Dunne launched a 3 year whole of Government Plan to address FASD prevention and intervention and announced an initial investment of $12 million. FASD has been conservatively estimated to cost the country $800 million every year. The priority areas covered in the Plan are Prevention, Early identification, Support and Evidence.
Aug 2016 - Speech by Assoc. Health Minister Hon. Peter Dunne: Launch of Taking Action on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: 2016-2019.
Read the documents:
Aug 2016 - The Taking Action on FASD: An Action Plan 2013-2016
Aug 2016 - Taking Action on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Analysis of Submissions
2016 - Education Tool for FASD: As part of its Inclusive Education Guide for Schools, the Ministry of Education launched its Guide to FASD and Learning (on website: https://www.inclusive.tki.org.nz/ )
2016, Aug - FASD costs in lost productivity: The New Zealand Medical Journal have just published a paper by economist Dr Brian Easton and colleagues estimating the cost of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder on lost productivity in the New Zealand economy as being between $49million and $200 million each year.
The paper is free access online: Productivity losses associated with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in New Zealand
2014 - FASD in New Zealand: A Time to Act - Call to Action Consensus Statement September 2014 Consensus Statement identifies areas of priority to prevent FASD and to address the gaps in service delivery to those affected by FASD.
2013 - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Adaptive Behaviour and Children’s Development By Andi Crawford, Msc, PgDipClinPsych
2013 - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and Confabulation Dr Valerie McGinn PhD Paediatric Neuropsychologist and FASD Specialist
2010 - Towards Multidisciplinary Diagnostic Services FASD 2010
2009 - Report Executive Summary - Primary Healthcare Survey
2009 - Full Report - Primary Healthcare Survey
Briefing Papers:
2007 - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in New Zealand - Activating the Awareness and Intervention Continuum ( PDF)
2007 - Executive Summary-Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in NZ Briefing Paper(PDF)
2003 - Alcohol Health and Safety Advisory Statements(Warning Labels) in New Zealand (PDF)
19 July 2020: Sunday – BOTTLED SHAME
Every year up to 3000 Kiwi babies are born with FASD. It's permanent brain damage caused by alcohol exposure in the womb. Although FASD causes serious learning, social and emotional problems, there is no government funding to support those living with it. We meet the children and families who are in the middle of what experts call a crisis, needing urgent action.
FANNZ Updates
FAS-CAN Network Newsletters
Open Letter:
19 June 2020 - Open Letter: An effective health warning label to protect our future
On July 17, Australian and New Zealand Food Forum Ministers will meet to decide on which label will be used as the mandatory health warning label to be placed on all alcohol products sold in both countries. Add your name to the list of people calling for a best practice health warning label by endorsing the letter. Click here for more information and the letter.
Presentation Videos: FASD Symposium 2024, Western springs garden community hall, Auckland 25-26 September 2024
Andrew Galloway, Alcohol Healthwatch - Opening remarks
Raawiri Ratu -Kaiaarahi of Kookiri ki Tāmakimakaurau Trust and WAI2624 Lead Claimant
Claire Gyde - Looking back to look forward
Dr Joanna Chu - FASD research priorities
Prof Sally Casswell - Quantifying alcohol harm to others, policy changes we need to see
Quickfire FASD research updated, Chaired by Dr Joanna Chu
Dr Felicity Ware, Hāpai Te Hauora - Developing Whakakothitanga Aotearoa FASD diagnostic guidelines
Hon Dr Shane Reti, Minister of Health - Address to the FASD symposium
Selah Hart, Hauora Māori Services, Health NZ
Dr Claire Achmad, Chief Children's Commissioner- Kia kuru pounamu te rongo: All mokopuna living their best lives
Sandar Duckworth, Litmus-Looking back and moving forward
Public Health Agency - panel discussion
Anna Gundesen, FASD-CAN Navigator for Tāmaki - Developing our voices: FAS-CAN indviduals development programme
Leigh Henderson, FASD-CAN Chair - Reflections on the FASD Symposium
Andrew Galloway, Alcohol Healthwatch - Closing remarks

Sept 7, 2017:Whanau ora and the FASD Plan: Achieving success together’ Hui Video Link:
Presentation by Christine Rogan, Alcohol Healthwatch
Presentation by Lance Norman, Hāpai Te Hauora
2015, May - Auckland Law School lecture from Judge Catherine Crawford ‘How youth affected by FASD are treated in criminal jurisdictions’ (video)/or listen to the audio of her lecture.
25 Oct 2019 - Proposal P1050: Pregnancy warning labels on alcoholic beverages. Submission to Food Standards Australia New Zealand
27 Sept 2019 - Submission in respect of regulations to be made under sections 12 and 13 of the Public Health (Alcohol) Act 2018 (Ireland)
2012 - Submission-Preventing child Abuse & improving Children's Health ( to Health Select Committee)
2012 - Submission- The Green Paper on Vulnerable Children (by FANNZ)
2011 - Submission for FANNZ - Alcohol Reform Bill
2009 - Submission to Law Commission "Alcohol In Our Lives", By FANNZ
Babies & Booze: Youth Social Media Launch (Video Clips)
Alcohol Healthwatch, Well Women and Family Trust and The Rotary Club of Parnell launches the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Youth Social Media Campaign. The You-Tube campaign videos can be viewed on www.youtube.com/user/FASDNetworkNZ or by clicking the images below
Babies + Booze: Simon Rowley - Paediatrician (4)
Babies + Booze: A Shout Out(5)
Babies + Booze: Jackie (6)
Babies + Booze: Shona (7)
Other Information:
FASD-CAN Network Newsletter Jul 2015
Alana Donkin writes about FASD Oct 2014
Hey Teacher 2016
International FASD Awareness Day September 9th