FASD Symposium 25-26 September 2024

Presentation Videos: ( To be loaded)

Day 1

Mihi Whakatau

Opening Remarks

Raawiri Ratuu

Claire Gyde

Joanna Chu

Dr Felicity


Claire Achmad


Reflections – Leigh

Closing remarks

Anna Gundesen (Coming soon)

MInister of Health, Hon Dr Shane Reti (Coming soon)

17 Oct 2024: Media - New Factsheet a Reminder that Healthier Environments Reduce Cancer

10 Oct 2024:  E-news

17 Sept 2024: The Cost of Alcohol-Related Harm in Aotearoa New Zealand ,2024: Understanding the NZIER Report

20 Jun 2024: E-news

19 Jun 2024: Media - NZIER cost of alcohol harms in New Zealand estimate a staggering $9.1 billion 

2024:  Tikanga Māori and alcohol licensing proceedings. Prepared for the Health Promotion Directorate of Health New Zealand /Te Whatu Ora and the Ministry of Justice by Kristen Maynard

18 Jun 2024:  Factsheet -  No and Low Alcohol Products

The Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Diagnostic Guidelines for Aotearoa New Zealand 2024

Alcohol Healthwatch have been a staunch advocate for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and we welcome the Minister of Health Hon Dr Shane Reti’s announcement at the Papakura Marae last month” says Andrew Galloway, executive director.

The first page of the guidelines has some living experience voice quotes, such as:

 “I think it is absolutely crucial that the families are supported in the system and that we are advocating and empowering them with whatever resources are there” and we couldn’t agree more.

Alcohol Healthwatch looks forward to working with the Public Health Agency on the refresh of the FASD action plan, seeing continued implementation of currently funded activity to maintain FASD and other alcohol harm reduction efforts and the seeing the scoping and development of new initiatives to build momentum in this important area.

26 Mar 2024: E-news

Funded PhD opportunity 2024
Marsden project - Dark nudges and sludge: big alcohol and dark advertising on social media

A funded Māori PhD opportunity is available! We are delighted to announce a PhD scholarship for Māori students within a new Marsden-funded project, and are seeking enquiries from potential candidates nationwide. For your PhD, you would develop your own project aligned to the Marsden project and you will be able to investigate an area that particularly interests you. Ideally you would have a background in social, as well as qualitative research skills such as kaupapa Māori research. You do not need to live in Auckland but may need to travel for some team meetings (travel costs will be covered). 

For more information click here

The closing date for applications: 18th April 2024, 5pm. Please contact: Dr Taisia Huckle: t.huckle@massey.ac.nz or Dr Acushla Sciascia acushla@mapuna.co.nz.

March 2024: Presentation - Alcohol advertising near schools in Auckland By Sarah Sneyd Alcohol Healthwatch (ppt)

March 2024: Presentation - Alcohol advertising near schools in Auckland By Sarah Sneyd Alcohol Healthwatch  (video)

29 Feb 2024: Media - Drinkers harm more than themselves - new study reveals alarming magnitude

Deep South Alcohol and Drug Harm Reduction Hui  
18th -19th March 2024   Dunedin 

The 2024 Deep South Alcohol and Drug Harm Reduction Hui will be held on
Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th of March 2024 at the Dunedin Art Gallery.

This Hui is a free event open to everyone, and will feature a number of keynote speakers while also providing an opportunity to network and build relationships with others who are committed to alcohol and drug harm reduction in Otago and Southland. Places are limited to 100 attendees.

Click here for more information and to register

18 Dec 2023: E-news 

 12 Dec 2023: Infographics- A snapshot of the findings from a study on public awareness
of alcohol as a cancer risk factor and support for alcohol harm
prevention policies in Aotearoa New Zealand

7 Dec 2023:  Infographics - Alcohol advertising near schools in Auckland
Read the Full Report  Alcohol advertising exposure near schools in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland

29 Sept 2023: E-news

8 Sept 2023: Media - "I Wish people knew…" Campaign amplifying the voices of those impacted by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

25 Aug 2023: Media - Empowering Communities to control alcohol in their neighbourhoods


July 2023: Factsheet -  Alcohol advertising exposure near schools in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland


July 2023: Factsheet - Alcohol sponsorship and marketing at music festivals in Aotearoa New Zealand



Alcohol Healthwatch celebrates two inspiring and unifying days at our Defining Our Future – Alcohol Policy and Planning Forum, held in Tamaki Makaurau/Auckland on 17th and 18th July 2023.

Speaker presentations

Kristen Maynard: Te Tiriti o Waitangi and alcohol law

Dr Jude Ball: Adolescent alcohol harm: research & policy implications

Caterina Giorgi: Alcohol in Australia

Kassie Hartendorp: Mobilising community & influencing policy

Nic Carah: Alcohol advertising on digital media platforms

Dr Rose Crossin: On-demand alcohol delivery

Ryan Gage: Generating political priority for alcohol policy reform

Prof. Sally Casswell: Aotearoa and global collaboration: benefits and mechanisms

Dr Tim Chambers: Bombarded by Booze: Children’s alcohol exposure in Aotearoa & how to stop it

Dr Tim Chambers: Interventions to reduce alcohol-related harms: a modelling study





Vacancy: Executive Director  (CLOSED)

  • A national role focused on reducing alcohol-related harm & inequities in NZ
  • Work with a highly functional, dedicated and supportive team & Board
  • Permanent, full-time based in Newmarket, Auckland

For more information and to apply for the role click here

Applications close: 5pm, Sunday 20th August 2023

17-18 July 2023: Invitation to Defining Our Future - Alcohol Policy and Planning Forum in  Auckland

To register click here CLOSED

30 June 2023: E-news 

8 Jun 2023: Media -Long awaited relief for communities in alcohol law changes

5 May 2023: Media - A win for local democracy

31 Mar 2023: E-News

20 Mar 2023: Media - Alcohol advertising on social media platforms

14 Mar 2023: Media - Delay of alcohol law reform false economy

23 Feb 2023: Webinar 4 – Understanding and addressing alcohol harm in Pasifika adolescents 
Watch the recording here.  

23 Feb 2023: Fact Sheet - Understanding and addressing alcohol harm among Pasifika secondary school students

23 Feb 2023: Addressing Alcohol Harm in Adolescents Technical Report 4: Pasifika analysis. Methods and data tables 

Webinar Series: Understanding & addressing adolescent alcohol harm

This free webinar series, hosted by Alcohol Healthwatch and the Adolescent Health Research Group, will present new findings from the Youth2000 adolescent health survey. Leading experts will discuss what the findings mean for policy and community action to reduce alcohol harm among young people. We warmly invite policy makers, community leaders, youth workers and anyone with an interest in this important kaupapa to attend.

Registration for the webinars is here: https://events.otago.ac.nz/aaah-webinar-2022/registration

If you are unable to attend, a recording will be made available at https://www.youth19.ac.nz/

Webinar #4 – Understanding and addressing adolescent alcohol harm among Pasifika youth

Thursday 23 February 2022, 12pm–1pm  For more information click here


Executive Director    CLOSED

Health Promotion Advisor   CLOSED


This free webinar series, hosted by Alcohol Healthwatch and the Adolescent Health Research Group, will present new findings from the Youth2000 adolescent health survey. Leading experts will discuss what the findings mean for policy and community action to reduce alcohol harm among young people. We warmly invite policy makers, community leaders, youth workers and anyone with an interest in this important kaupapa to attend.

This webinar series has been made possible with funding from the nib foundation and Te Hiringa Hauora / The Health Promotion Agency.   Registration for all the webinars is here:

Webinar 1 – Understanding and addressing adolescent alcohol harm: Overview 

Watch the recording here. (27 Sept 2022)

 Webinar #2 - Understanding & addressing alcohol harm among rangatahi Māori

 Watch the recording here. (15 Nov 2022)

Webinar 3 – Understanding and addressing alcohol harm in Rainbow adolescents

Watch the recording here.  (13 Dec 2022)

Webinar 4 – Understanding and addressing alcohol harm in Pasifika adolescents

Date: Thursday 23 February 2023
Time: 12pm–1pm

Watch the recording here.  (23 Feb 2023)

Register here to receive more details when they are available:

16 Dec 2022: E-news

13 Dec 2022: Document - Addressing Alcohol Harm in Adolescents Technical Report 3: Rainbow analysis. Methods and data tables

13 Dec 2022: Factsheet - Youth 2000 UNDERSTANDING AND ADDRESSING ALCOHOL HARM among Rainbow youth at secondary school

13 Dec 2022:  Action needed to address high levels of alcohol harm among Rainbow students

7 Dec 2022: ‘Community Participation’ Bill will enable a fairer alcohol licensing process

24 Nov 2022: Celebrations as Auckland moves to clean up alcohol product advertising

10 Nov 2022: FANNZ Update

Factsheet on youth drinking from the NZ Youth 2000 surveys (see more below): 

Nov 2022:  Factsheet- UNDERSTANDING AND ADDRESSING ALCOHOL HARM among rangatahi Māori at secondary school  

Addressing Alcohol Harm in Adolescents Technical Report 2: Māori analysis. Methods and data tables November 2022

11 Oct 2022: E-news  

Download the first four factsheets on youth drinking from the NZ Youth 2000 surveys.

Youth 2000 -  SOURCES OF ALCOHOL AND HARM among secondary school students 

Youth 2000 -  ALCOHOL HARM among secondary school students 

Youth 2000 -  DRINKING PATTERNS among secondary school students


Youth 2000 -  RISK AND PROTECTIVE FACTORS FOR ALCOHOL USE among secondary school student

 Addressing Alcohol Harm in Adolescents Technical Report 1: Methods and overview of findings 27 Oct 2022

27 Sept 2022: Webinar #1: Overview of adolescent alcohol use and harm

This free four-part webinar series, hosted by Alcohol Healthwatch and the Adolescent Health Research Group, will present new findings from the Youth2000 adolescent health survey. Leading experts will discuss what the findings mean for policy and community action to reduce alcohol harm among young people. We warmly invite policy makers, community leaders, youth workers and anyone with an interest in this important kaupapa to attend.

Click here to read more.

9 Sept 2022: Media- FASD Awareness Day: faster progress needed to prevent and support 

9 Sept 2022: Invitation: FASD in Aotearoa -  Where we are now  

Alcohol Healthwatch and FASD-CAN are also hosting a FASD webinar, “FASD in Aotearoa: Where We Are Now”. Join us at 9am on the 9th September on Zoom.  We’ll come together online in solidarity of FASD Awareness Day in Aotearoa New Zealand. We'll turn a spotlight on some of the mahi from the year behind us and on the challenges ahead.

Speakers include: FASD-CAN Chair Leigh Henderson, Harsh Vardhan from Te Whatu Ora, educator Tania Henderson, Janell Dymus of Hāpai te Hauora, journalist Paula Penfold (tbc) and Nicki Jackson of Alcohol Healthwatch.

Click on this link to zoom to join on 9/9/2022 @9am 

25 Aug 2022: FANNZ Update

11 Aug 2022:  Report: Exposure to alcohol-related branding at community-level rugby and rugby league games across Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland June 2022


30 Jun 2022: Factsheet - Alcohol sponsorship of sport in Aotearoa New Zealand

30 Jun 2022: E-news

1 Jun 2022: Reflections on Budget 2022 tackling alcohol-related harm

27 May 2022: E-news

 7 Mar 2022: Documentary- Disordered: how we’re failing Kiwis with FASD

15 Feb 2022: Factsheet - Are you concerned about alcohol advertising and signs at local alcohol outlets?

Dec 2021: Factsheet: Alcohol Taxes and Levies 

Dec 2021: Factsheet: Minimum Unit Pricing

 20 Dec 2021: E-news  

15 Nov 2021: PROOF | Documentary about NZ's drinking culture | RNZ - Two years ago Guyon Espiner stopped drinking. Now, the award-winning journalist and podcast-maker has made a documentary about New Zealand's drinking culture and the alcohol industry.

15 Nov 2021: FANNZ Update

4 Nov 2021: Media - Study shows alcohol sold at pocket money prices 
Document - Cheap drinks: An exploratory audit of alcohol prices at off -licences across Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland. July 2021


27 Oct 2021: Submission - Consultation on alcohol signs and advertising at liquor stores in Auckland 

5 Oct 2021: FANNZ Update

Aucklanders – we need your help.

Auckland Council is currently asking for public feedback on signs and advertising at liquor stores. Consultation closes October 27.  Please take two minutes to have your say on this important issue.

We know that liquor stores can be an eyesore in the environment, with their huge posters and numerous signs. This can impact the way that communities feel about where they live, reducing community wellbeing.

We also know that liquor stores often feature images of alcohol brands, products and drinking occasions. Children, young people and persons with alcohol use disorders are vulnerable to these forms of advertising, increasing alcohol-related harm.

Restricting signs and advertising at liquor stores is a win-win. We can create healthier, fairer environments that support Aucklanders to drink less and reap the amazing benefits.

Please go to https://www.protectourfuture.org.nz/ to have your say. Thank you for your support.

29 Sept 2021: Media - Commissioners show leadership on FASD by invoking statutory mandate


28 Sept 2021 - Report of the Disability Rights Commissioner and Children’s Commissioner to the Prime Minister Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: A Call to Action

27 Sept 2021: Media - DHBs call for stronger action on alcohol will improve health and equity

 21 Sept 2021: FANNZ Update

9 Sept 2021: Webinar - Watch the video: FASD AWARENESS DAY 2021  AOTEAROA NEW ZEALAND 


9 Sept 2021: Factsheet - Prenatal alcohol exposure and lifelong impact of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder


9 Sept 2021: Media- Global message to prevent harm from drinking during pregnancy

FASD AWARENESS DAY: ONLINE EVENT Thursday 9 September, 8.50am – 9:50am
via ZOOM

Kia ora koutou,

Due to COVID-19, we have had to cancel the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Day hui at the University of Auckland Waipapa Marae.

However, we are pleased to announce that, together with the University of Auckland, we will mark FASD Awareness Day with a short online event via zoom. This Thursday, 9th September, from 8:50am to 9:50am.

We are honoured to have the following guest speakers for the event:

  • Children's Commissioner Judge Andrew Becroft
  • Disability Rights Commissioner Paula Tesoriero
  • FASD-CAN (Care Action Network)

We apologise for the short notice but hope you can join us to hear from our guest speakers and take a moment of reflection at 9:09am - the ninth minute, of the ninth hour, of the ninth day, of the ninth month - to symbolise the nine months of pregnancy in which to grow a healthy baby - and to reflect on those who are already living with FASD and need our support.

The zoom link is https://auckland.zoom.us/j/91757149485

Feel free to wear your red shoes to acknowledge the day. Upload a photo of your shoes and read more information about how you can support FASD Day and Awareness Month at https://www.actionpoint.org.nz/fasd


1 Sept 2021: Factsheet - Taking action on alcohol outlet signage: improving amenity and preventing harm

FANNZ Update 8.9.21 

 FANNZ Update 27.8.21 

POSTPONED: 3 Aug 2021: Invitation -  FASD Action Plan 2016-2019.  Where to from here? 
Thursday 9 September, 8.30am – 4.30pm Waipapa Marae, University of Auckland 16 Wynyard Street, Auckland

 FANNZ Update 13.7.21

Jun 2021: E-news

 21 Apr 2021: FANNZ Update   Call for Whānau research participants (Pdf)

 22 Mar 2021: FANNZ Update


18 Mar 2021: E-news

9 Mar 2021: Evidence-based alcohol policies: Building a fairer and healthier future for Aotearoa New Zealand

25 Feb 2021: Salvation Army and Public Health Experts alarm at increases in high-strength alcohol on our shelves

19 Feb 2021: Fact Sheet - Alcohol Marketing 

19 Feb 2021: NZMJ - Ineffective, meaningless, inequitable: analysis of complaints to a voluntary alcohol advertising code

19 Feb 2021: Media - Ineffective voluntary code for alcohol advertising must be scrapped

 20 Jan 2021: FANNZ Update

 16 Dec 2020: FANNZ Update

 16 Dec 2020: Document - Analysis of complaints made to the Advertising Standards Authority Code for Advertising and Promotion of Alcohol: 2017-2020 


16 Dec 2020: Media - Voluntary advertising Code prioritises alcohol industry over community


10 Dec 2020: E-news

 26 Nov 2020: FANNZ Update

3 Nov 2020: FANNZ Update

29 Oct 2020: Media - Public need to know when broadcasting standards for alcohol have been breached



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